Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Greys - The Alien Agenda

The Greys - The Alien Agenda ...The Deep Truth

The Human Connection

I was not a religious person and for what I have experienced and am about to share, I am still not.

I want to make note that this which I am about to share, happened before my abductions /encounters with the greys started in 2002. 

This does not involve ET to start. In the end it will, as you read on.   

ET was the furthest thing from my mind and I did the best I could to get past my MIBs abduction, from earlier in life.

(MIBs abduction recall )

In the 1990s I was an On-Air Radio Personality - Announcer (DJ) and was in Alberta working, at the time.

I had just finished a six hour on-air shift at midnight, and started to travel straight from work to my parents. It was a six hour highway drive, to Saskatoon Saskatchewan from where I was.

I arrived in Saskatoon at around 7A.M. and was happy to sit and talk with my parents that morning. It was the reason that I had come out to see them. I had been missing them.

After sitting and talking with both my parents at the kitchen table for a couple hours, I went up to the spare bedroom. 

I was not going to sleep, I wasn't tired. I Just went to lay and relax for a bit. 
I felt a little exhausted from the drive and the 6 hour radio show before that, but was still ready to spend time visiting..after a "breather".

I laid down on the bed and let go a big breath of air. As I exhaled a large amount of spent air I became more relaxed. 

I lay there for a few minutes...just clearing my mind and seemingly exhaling stress with each deep breath expelled.

Laying there with my muscles relaxing, I began to stare up at the ceiling.

I continued to clear my mind of everything and still unintentionally using each breath to release and push everything away in my physical world (clearing my mind) and relaxing my entire body.

Staring up at the ceiling and looking at it's rough texture for some time and NOT thinking..I suddenly but gently was no longer staring at the ceiling above me.

I was now looking at the entire universe, though I was no longer looking through my eyes. 
I was now part of the universe. I was/am an entity (entity of life). I was energy.
I had no physical body, yet I could see everything and was everything within our massive universe. Not only matter, but everything in between. 

Existing as the most minuscule particles (quarks and electrons) to the largest masses in this universe.
I was everything, everywhere all at one time.

I understood human life..I understood life as one with the universe...I understood my energy was connected to all that exists.

This was more than just an "out of body" experience.

When we leave our physical body and become one with the universe, we do not lose our own being. We do not lose our consciousness or self awareness. We are still who we are ..but above human and so many primitive traits that have been instilled within us as Human.
My energy (me) became a part of the energy that streams everywhere and covers everything within our universe. (This energy that I describe may be the same of which the greys use/harness to power their spacecrafts/ UFOs).

When experiencing this life changing event, I could see the energy, feel it, I was part of it, the whole universe.

This energy that I refer connects everything.. to all things, including all of us.

While on this higher plain, I felt love like I could never in my existence (as human) imagine. 
I felt happiness that cannot even be described, fulfillment that is unimaginable. 

The understanding very small compared to what we can achieve by just doing so.

I cannot say exactly how long I was away from my to speak.
I came back the same way I left..suddenly but gently as I found myself still laying there, staring at the ceiling.

I quickly sat up with a rush of feelings that I had while out of body, and put my feet on the floor. 
EVERYTHING that I was..ALL that I understood..that I felt..was fading very quickly. 

The entire event moved me so much, that I had tears coming from my eyes. It changed me.

I understood immediately that my human brain cannot comprehend/retain all the massive amount of knowledge that one can access at this level. 

I tried to hold onto what I could. I did everything in my power to save some of what I was aware. I didn't want to lose everything that I had just experienced..understood..

For what I was able to obtain in knowledge, changed me. 

This experience made me a human, that I never knew before. It gave a perspective that changed or completed my outlook and understanding..

My understanding to life can never be looked at the same by me, even if I try. 

I truly became an awakened person.

I did search through many religions, and it took a bit of my time. I found nothing that came close to the awakening, I had.

I mean no offense to you if you are religious but from what I came away with knowing, is that there is no being in this universe that deserves to be worshiped. 

We ALL are connected and ALL are part of this great energy.

While in Saskatoon during a later date, I was back visiting my parents again. I happened into a book store to see if there were any good sales on books. 

After a short time there, I was just leaving when I happen to notice a paper on the cork bulletin board that mentioned a free lecture being held at the University of Saskatchewan.

It was on Buddhism and Soka Gakkai International (Canada) was presenting it. I had not yet looked into the Buddhist religion and I saw it as free an opportunity to learn more.

I attended and with a large group, I sat for hours paying attention. 

After listening very closely for the three hour lecture and finding it that Buddhists have a very interesting perspective, I went up to the speaker who presented the lecture after he was done. 
He was very knowledgeable and happy as to be representing Buddhism in Canada.
He was also happy to hear of my experience that I explained as best I could. 
Words can never truly describe what it is like to find oneself actually existing on a higher plain. The information is very overwhelming and much too much for the human brain to comprehend so quickly or even describe.
He seemed very amazed and told me a few things more about the religion. 
The bottom line was..What I had achieved, is what Buddhist monks try to achieve. Some it may take a lifetime, while others it may never occur.

We all can achieve this, but it takes the right state of mind and body to attain such..

What I also later discovered on my own was, my experience was my introduction into meditation as I had reached a very high meditative state. I would go as far as saying I reached true enlightenment.
I have never done so again and I have never truly tried. (it is something that you cannot "try" to achieve, it will happen if you let it".

 To access the state of mind and body ones needs to become one with the universe... one must achieve nothing.

For years I continued meditating somewhat. I have years of experience and am well in-tuned to breathing and other meditative states to try to ease the pains from a back injury.

I have learned much about my body and my mind and how very connected they are. It all started with something as simple as learning to relax the body and clearing the mind. 
Breathing is truly a key that helps open a new world. You learn to be aware of your body and mind, as they are one.

I know this all sounds so much like a religious person, but I still am not. 

I know that to attempt what we can achieve, one need not follow or worship in any religion to attain it. It is all within each of us already.
I have since gone through years of my life as changed human, and very aware of all the surrounding.
I thought I had life figured out as human, until my abductions started again when I returned to Manitoba. I could no longer ignore things as I had.

The Greys - The Alien Agenda

I have known the greys as being old, very old..

With a close friend in Scotland (Thelmadonna) who has had close encounters with the greys, it was determined that they are indeed very old.
The number of years may be small compared to the length of time that has passed in our universe...but they can live to be up to 900 years old. 
That is very old when comparing it to a human life span.

You may think that one could have all they wanted and more, being able to live a life that many times longer than human.. BUT that is not the way it is.

Having had my experience and being awaken to life itself, I understand what awaits.

I perceive religious humans as calling it "heaven"..or to others, "where the gods are".

Being human is part of our own learning experiences and being human is unique. We can achieve a higher plain of existence, both throughout life and with death. 

That is what the greys cannot achieve.

When I have been with them, I have always sensed the greys as being almost "soulless" or no energy. I do mean that in a nonreligious way. 
The greys are missing something. The way that things are when they enter my mind when taken..and how I can enter their mind when they do so, has allowed me to know more of what they are like.

The greys have never been like us and are not like us.
I know what it feels like being a part of their mind. 

I would not want to be like them. They are indeed very alien in thought, lack of emotion and just their existence compared to human.

When I put together all that I have learned from my years of experiences, I understand that the greys need to achieve a higher plain but cannot.

One may think it should be only natural for most living things to advance, but the greys are not like what we find with life here on Earth.

For years I have kept feelings and understandings inside and not really sharing with many people as I am now.

During a conversation with a close and very good friend who has been taken by the greys as well "Thelmadonna", we turned to the topic of what the greys want and what their agenda is.

I started by talking about them and their energies..or "souls"..and how I did not feel them as having that.
It was soon learned through the conversation between the two of us, that what I am aware..Thelmadonna is as well. 

However she describes what they being able to "reincarnate".

It helps if one steps back and looks at what this all entails:

- existing on higher plains while still being able to come back to human level of consciousness and existence.

- existing after the passing of this world (life after death)

- reincarnation

It all becomes even more obvious and I would never share this if I was not sure.

Having confirmation from others who have been taken by the greys, only solidifies what I know to be true already. 

Truth is why I share. 


There are many people that speak of hybrids and a very large portion of abductees that are aware of alien/human hybrids, by having introduction to them. Most times are during the close encounters and while on crafts (UFOs).

Humans are unique to extraterrestrials. I cannot say if it is the same for all other beings but to the greys, we do not compare. That is the reason for the apparent "breeding" that is taking place.

Many female abductees have ended up carrying a fetus within, only to have abduction occur again and have it taken out (away) from them. (I have been contacted and in communication with hundreds of female abductees, over the
It would only make sense that they use male humans as well, to continue the reproductive agenda.

There are supposedly two types of hybrids. One type that look mostly human and one type that do not appear human at all.

I have no memory of ever seeing one, so I cannot confirm or deny their existence, but I am certain that it is happening. 

I am aware simply because of all I have been through.

I may not have all details exact but I have no doubt that I am closer to the truth, than most of the world has been able to see far.

Now, we must step back in time somewhat. 

How did extraterrestrials ever find us here?
They never found us here. 

They brought us here..and we are as much alien to this the greys.

Now, look past the short time periods and look at the constant change that occurs in life..and the universe.

These earth like planets may be more rare, (more are being revealed every day) but there are other planets very close to what Earth offers. 
Some of these planets can and do harbor life, including Human life.

What we have taking place on Earth with the greys has been going on far longer than the entirety of our own Human existence here on Earth.

How many planets and how many times have the greys been "trying" to achieve
(higher plains of existence), what is only a natural occurrence for humans? 
There is no easy way to determine how deep our connection is without the full cooperation of the greys.

There are many abductees that feel that they were treated and tested, as humans would do with research animals. 

Some humans taken are never returned. I often wonder of the literal millions of people that have gone missing indefinitely, which ones are taken by the greys and not returned.

Considering the greys have been following this agenda for much longer than mankind has been on this planet and are STILL continuing, shows that what they want to attain may be impossible for them.

I am not meaning to scare anyone, but there are only two options if taken (abducted) and not returned by the greys.

One option is being taken to another Earth like planet that has other human species populating it.
The second option, is death. 

You can confirm this by learning of others abductions, where they have been shown other worlds including ones that have humans. 
I am aware of these planets through close friends who have been abducted too, and of which whom I fully trust and appreciate.

This article may be very hard for many to fully understand and may not answer all your questions but there is even more to come.

Upcoming, I will be sharing some things about the NWO which we all face. 
I will explain what I can on how we all have been played and lied to by the ones in power. 
I do see this lie of ETs non-existence as the largest and the most damaging lie in our history here.

There are many agendas being followed by the elite, the powers that be, the new world order, and in an upcoming article, I will focus on what I know and I will share my personal perspective as an abductee, about events that are occurring in the present around the world. 

Every one of us are part of it..willing and knowing...or not.

Our freedoms...our rights..and our access to truth are all being shut down. It is not coincidence..It is all connected to events to come.
There will be a close friend of many years, that I hope to include. She was part of the NWO or as it is called from the inside "the organization", and she walked away from it and has a inside perspective.

*Update* June 25, 2019

These links lead to most recent events and of more agendas.

2019 UFOs - Why The American Government Is NOW Admitting UFOs Are Real!

The American Government / Military Confirm "UFOs are REAL" What's Next?

NWO is no longer a myth, nor is ET.

The myths stop here, and the truth is shared.

My close encounters and abductions with "men in black" and the greys start on this link with part 1 (MIBs and Greys)

If you have read this far..then please share this. 
..Truth is meant to be free and shared.

To learn of many of my encounters, you can listen to a interview I did on the Jeff Rense Radio Show "Sightings" a few years ago.
I have updated the video to help others perhaps..understand things more clearly as they were.
The video is over an hour time to listen..




Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cloaked Military or UFO? Ground Shaking Event! (Video) May 18th, 2013

I was at my lake in the Parkland Region of Manitoba for May long weekend. I had a very strange occurrence.

It was a very peaceful evening on Saturday night May 18th, 2013.  At 9:56 PM. things began, a minute after I had started to record.

I just happened to be video recording, more less for my own amusement. I do always have my camera on hand..just in case I have another encounter with a craft..

As I was narrating and talking of the area, I was more less just happy having the snow finally gone. 

Suddenly what sounded like jet air craft very quickly approached from the west..and was traveling east, just to the south of me at a speed that was too quick to be other than military.

I was standing on the north shore of the lake, looking south. As the craft quickly approached, I started to search the sky with my eyes..Suddenly the ground began to shake..I have never been in an earthquake but I am sure it would have felt like a tremor. 

I have never in my life experienced such a thing as I did a couple nights ago. 

I am aware of aircraft..both commercial and military. I know how a low fly by can cause the ground to vibrate or shake.. THAT was not the case.

This craft was not visible...The tone and volume should not have caused the vibration that did occur in the ground. 

As I was recording the sound..the camera view became the ground shook for the few seconds that it did.
As the cloaked craft quickly went past and was now east of made a quick bank left and started to very quickly head north.

It was soon gone..but..I did happen to be hear and experience the effects as it went past at a very fast speed.  To have the ground shake as it was..normally would require much more volume and low tone.

The entire thing only lasted a few seconds...maybe 10 or so..but..with the ground shaking..I was very you hear in the video...I was I has slight adrenaline going on. (I do apologize for the profanities)

I never have imagined such a cannot ignore what it may be.

Update! Tuesday May 28, 2013

It has been 10 days since the incident at the lake..and for 3 days now, I have been losing hair in clumps. When I first noticed a big clump of hair come out of my head, I tried to ignore it..and think nothing of it.
In the last three has been continuing and..I cannot ignore what is happening.

When the unseen craft went past me at the lake, I knew it was close but I could not see it and could not speculate. 
I did however wonder that evening, if there were effects from such a craft either military or alien. 

I know that a cloaked craft unseen, would have to be using some type of very strong energy that could have negative effects.

Tonight as I write this update, I am literally feeling the effects of whatever it was that I encountered.

I know that the greys have a disc craft that can induce effects on humans. When I had my mid afternoon close encounter during  August of 2002 at my lake, I ended up suffering from Loss of appetite, Teeth becoming loose and I had clumps of hair fall out of my head..just like I am experiencing now.

I am now starting to feel that whatever it was I encountered, was much closer than I had thought. 

From the effects, I cannot ignore what I have experienced with the greys before and seem to be experiencing again.

If more happens regarding this, I will be updating this article and keeping it as current as I can.