Monday, June 10, 2019

2019 UFOs - Why The American Government Is NOW Admitting UFOs Are Real!

In this video I share my thoughts and opinion on wtf is going with the U.S. government and military FINALLY admitting that UFOs are real.

It is a giant step for the American government, considering that they have outright lied and denied UFO and ET existence for over 70 years.

There comes a time when the truth cannot be hidden any longer..the only problem is, there will be more lies told to misdirect and lead away from true reasons that things they are.

I see people for who they really are. There are a few within the "UFO community" that tout themselves as "researchers" and others call them "experts"...but they are there to misdirect.
Some of these people are or were highly regarded within the UFO circles. 

I am not about to name names..They will all reveal themselves in short as it may be.  
Please be careful on what you accept as real..Keep an open mind and research. Talk to people and get others insights, so you can see things very clearly..with an "outside" perspective. 

Sometimes "following the herd" does not always lead to where one may think it will.

Our time on this planet has been short. The way things seem to be going on Earth now, would indicate that our time here, may stay short.

The greys are here..and have been for our entire existence on this planet..

Their methods of operation...abductions..and all the same toward humans, as it has been for our entire history here. 
They have not changed their objectives during their entire time here with us either.

Everything has remained the same with the greys as it has in our recorded history here on Earth.

One thing that most people do not WE are as much alien to this planet Earth as the greys are.

... ...I have been away through the years..and I have found peace in mother nature ..and with the wild.
A clear mind and an outside perspective is what I come back with...along with more experience than when I left.

I will share more, case I leave again.

Thanks for being interested and thank you for your patience..

Also, if you have read this far then you are likely some one who has experiences of some type..and maybe even knowledge of this matter.

If you want to contact me..I will make time for you.
email me at

Never say never..
There are such fantastic and unbelievable things going on within our world alone, one can never imagine the true extent of all that awaits in our universe.



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