Friday, August 10, 2012

Alien Greys Underground Tunnel / Cave Investigation Continuing - August 2012

There is no real way to write an article on this cave. This whole time I have been trying to overcome what seems to be forces that haves kept me from entering the cave thus far.  

The ones who are aware of this tunnel  in the Parkland Region of Manitoba are still reluctant to take me to the entrance..I have tried for some time to get to the exact location of the entrance. I am aware of the broad location..but could end up lost in wilderness if I do not know where I am going.

Refreshing things a bit..I had experienced deep metal clanks followed by underground thuds..while up at my lake one summer. ( see link at bottom of article).

For the first year after learning of the cave, I was aware of only one man that is knowledgeable of the cave. 

For the last two years I have been very persistent and sincere in trying to find answers and bringing the truth out in regard to that and ET / UFO.

My efforts thus far have not taken me as far as expected..but..since first discovering the existence of this cave near-by, I have learned more which I will share..

To this past year..I have learned that there are a select few others that do know the exact location of the cave/tunnel entrance.  They all have been inside it..

The cave is meant to be kept a secret (no one was to have to known about it)..and it has been that way for a very long time, as most that live in the area are unaware of it.

Some facts and details that have come out during my investigation and from interviewing the select, who have entered the cave. 

The cave:

- has a height of approximately 5 feet, with narrow passages at times that are very tight to get through.

- has caverns and branches into smaller areas.

- runs several hundred of yards underground from the entrance. (no one has been to the end yet).

- is made up of large rocks, clay and dirt (in the first 100 yards of the cave)

- has markings and carvings that can be found on the walls within the first 100 yards after entering the tunnel, (likely dating it back many generations)

It will take many miles of walking to get there is no other or easy way to approach the entrance.

I find myself digging for more strength..It would really be easy to walk away from all of this..if it were not for all my close encounters and abductions. The importance of that keeps me going..even with hurdle after hurdle..
It is not easy..None of this is..

I see this as something that should not be taken lightly and I certainly do not.
The people that are able to guide me there..are very apprehensive. I do respect them and I do understand..this is going to still take time..I will not give up my only intention, truth and knowledge.

Words mean nothing unless action is taken and that is what I have been doing.. and will continue.

I have been spending many days in the Parkland Region and will be there again very soon..still attempting to gain entrance into a very well kept secret cave. A secret that has been that way for hundreds..if not thousands of years.

Video still ahead.

Underground thuds and deep metal clanks are the alien greys underground?:



  1. Very exciting to read about this.Summons the hollow earth theory back into my mental screen.
    The earth below us,the underworld,is greatly ignored today,but that doesnt mean the myths are not very much alive and inhabited by Gods/Aliens etc.I wish you good spirits in your exploration.

  2. I keep thinking this has something to do with the lake, water on earth. I can't shake the feeling.

    Have you ever thought about the possibility they travel under water, too?

    1. Yes..I am aware that they can also submerge, becoming a USO.

      I have never witnessed such..but I have no doubt that they do that..after all..the Earth is mostly water.

      Shag Harbor incident...Happened in Nova Scotia Canada..and even the RCMP and Canadian Coast guard with involved in searching and trying to get to the bottom of what happened.


  3. I found a YouTube that is an interview with a reptilian humanoid that said they live in these caverns deep under the earth and look for a metal door as this will be the entrance into their community although she said if you can get it open they will already know you are there. She also said others may live deep in these caverns and not to go in. Look up Alien Reptile interview was very interesting found some things she said linked to Lobsang Rampa and guardians of the universe and the phases of humanity. Good luck.

  4. We live on earth...terra firma. We do not know all that lies beneath our feet. It is possible that some humans have evolved inside earth, because it is a vast area and we have no clue how large caverns may be. I recall reading that two submarines became lost underneath Nevada, that there is an ocean under ground there. Anything is possible. Maybe the reason they are grey and have huge dark eyes is because they live where the sun does not shine.

  5. I just watched the docuseries, Hellier on YouTube. Its about a paranormal research group and they are looking into some caves in Kentucky, because of stories of beings in them. You should check it out, and maybe tell them about this cave too. You can email him on their website. The YouTube channel is Planet Weird, website is something similar. The person's name is Greg Newkirk.
